Sunday, March 11, 2012

Giving it a whirl

My Creative Self
I have officially turned into one of "THOSE" moms.  Yes, I will try my hand at making pretty much anything that comes across my hand.  You name it, I have tried much success (if I do say so my self).  Hair clips, clothes, food, gadgets, costumes, etc.  I have finally found the discipline (after being an at home mom for a little over a year and a half now) to sit down once and a while to share with others my successes.  Some days my feats are much simpler then others, so stick with my and I have no doubt that you will find some miscellaneous project that you'll want to give a whirl. If you do, please share you successes or failures, I love to hear of people succeeding and we all could use a good laugh some days at our failures...I promise to share mine too.


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